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ALSTOM - Micom Alstom P846

MiCOM Alstom P846 is an Open Line Detection relay providing fast detection for local and remote end openings.

A robust transmission system is critical for the transport of power from generating stations to demand centres. Today, with system loading much closer to design limits, the loss of a transmission corridor could unbalance the grid, risking power swings or even unwanted cascade tripping. The MiCOM Alstom P846 quickly detects open lines and initiates a safe, efficient defence plan. 

Open-line detection with no auxiliary contacts
MiCOM Alstom P846 detects local or remote end breakers open in 2 cycles. This open line detection does not rely on any auxiliary contact indications, or any teleprotection channel from the remote line end. It is therefore highly reliable. As a result, the utility can ensure automatic initiation of a defence plan if one or several open lines - loss of a power corridor – are detected.

Reliability, safety and speed
MiCOM Alstom P846 ensures fast open line detection for local and remote end openings, with no use of CB auxiliary contacts. Applied equally to heavy and light load flows, this Alstom Grid relay device is simple and secure.

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